Corporate Social Responsibility

Ethical Code

Kymos is a group with the highest ethical standards. To this end, we have formulated an Ethical Code that is binding for all employees, shareholders, management bodies, and all members of Kymos and its subsidiaries.

Kymos has also subscribed to a Code of Talent based on the good practices designed by EJE&CON, an association of executive women, to guarantee equality of treatment and promotion of women to executive positions

Kymos has also designed an Equality Plan and conducted an impact assessment of procedures and practices to avoid gender bias and designed a set of actions meant to guarantee equality of treatment and opportunities between men and women.

Due to the nature of our activities, we also have a Work Risk & Prevention plan, SOP-regulated Environment, Health and Safety policies, as well as a continuous commitment to the improvement of sustainable development, reduction of energy consumption, and corporate social responsibility.

Social Engagement

For over 10 years, Prolytic has been committed to helping the disadvantaged of this world with two child sponsorships with World Vision. With a child sponsorship, we give a needy child in one of the poorest countries in the world a better future. By sponsoring a child, the child’s life is changed in a lasting way. Lasting improvements in the lives of needy children are only possible if their environment is changed. The help of a World Vision sponsorship is therefore not limited to the sponsored child – the child’s family and region are also involved.

World vision logo

Social Responsibility

Kymos as a group commits and takes full responsibility regarding its activity and its impact on society. We believe that every company should have a positive role in the community and we consider it necessary to take into account the social and environmental impact in all our business decisions and operations.

Taking that into consideration, we have collaborated with, the organization of reference in CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) in Catalonia, towards building our own CSR plan with our adherence to their program RSE.Pime 2022-2023.

RSE.Pime is a practical program aimed at implementing CSR in Catalan companies with the support of the Departament de Treball i Empresa, and in collaboration with the Consell de Cambres de Catalunya and the Cambra de Comerç de Barcelona. As a result of this program, we have developed our Good Practices Document with

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